Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Chapter 1: 9:00 am, May 5, '81.
Chapter 2: 345 Hillside Ave.
Chapter 3: The Smoothy King
Chapter 4: Life on The Farm
Chapter 5: Proselytizing in Formosa
Chapter 6: Life on The Farm, part deux
Chapter 7: Ruan Ji vs. Mr. Reed
Chapter 8: Lake Effect
Chapter 9: Sino-monastic-erhu episodes
Chapter 10: The merry land of Michigan...


Nancy said...

Hey, way to make your mom happy!
Can't wait for the photos/videos

Joanna said...

Welcome to the world of blogs. I'm adding your blog to the list of blogs on our blog. Cool photo by the way. It took me a few seconds to figure out what it was a picture of.

Suzanne said...

WHHHAAAAATTTTT???? Reed has a blog! How come nobody told me??? Just think, Reed, now we can become blogging buddies. (Ok, fine. I promise to only check in once a week and leave comments only sporadically.) Geesh.

By the way, I happened upon your blog via Joanna's blog. Doesn't take long, does it?

- THE Aunt

Nancy said...

Now he has THE Mother and THE Aunt blogging with him. Can life get any better?!

Anika said...

Reed, We are missing you here. I can't bring myself to take the kidlets to the Strong Museum just yet because I know you won't be there to meet us for lunch. At least we can bookmark your blog. If you and Jake can do the uploading videos, maybe I can find a way to solve my computer issues too and join you eventually...

Operaman said...

This is my first ever blog entry! I can hardly wait for the videos and other cool new stuff.

RFamily said...

no way - reed is blogging?

you get to go over the river and through the woods to school? jealous!